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Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto® Basics Part 2: WHAT TO EAT

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/10/2024

Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels with dieting? Like you've tried everything, but the pounds won't budge? Healthy Keto® may be the answer you have been looking for.

Learn about Healthy Keto, how it can benefit your overall health, and what you should be eating on this life-changing diet.

Understanding Ketosis and Its Benefits

Ketosis is a metabolic state where your body uses fats for energy instead of carbs. Getting into this fat-burning mode requires limiting carb intake to about 20-50 grams daily. It usually takes two days to a week, depending on one's metabolism rate.

The benefits are plentiful - improved mental clarity, more consistent energy levels throughout the day, and effective weight loss as you are primarily burning stored fats for fuel.

Keto foods on a plate

The Importance of Fasting in the Morning

Fasting in the morning complements ketosis well because it extends your overnight fast when insulin levels are low—allowing your body to use up its glycogen stores more quickly so it can use fat as an alternative fuel source sooner.

A study showed that people who delayed their breakfast until later experienced increased weight loss compared with those who ate early. Everyone's different – listen to what works best for your hunger signals.

Optimal Foods for Healthy Keto Eating

The road to Healthy Keto eating is laid with nourishing, nutrient-rich foodstuffs. It's not just about slashing carbs, it's also about what you add to your diet.

Embracing Healthy Fats

Fat has been demonized in the past, but now we know better. When on a ketogenic diet, fats are our friends. They keep us full and help trigger ketosis, where the body burns fat for fuel instead of glucose.

Fat bombs, like avocado or coconut oil-based snacks, can be great additions to your menu because they're delicious and satisfying.

Incorporating High-Quality Proteins

You don't need to eat tons of protein on a keto diet, but make sure what you do consume is high-quality. Grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, and organic cheese contribute valuable nutrients without loading on unwanted additives or hormones. And remember that eggs serve as an excellent protein supplement.

Strategies for Successful Keto Dieting

Avoiding late-night nibbling is essential for successful keto dieting, not just in terms of what you consume but also in terms of how you handle your dietary habits. Let's explore some practical strategies.

Avoiding Nighttime Snacking

Eating enough fat during the day can help curb nighttime snacking. Filling up on high-fat foods such as avocados or almonds can make meals more enjoyable and help keep cravings away.

You don't need to reach for that bag of chips when you feel a late-night hunger pang. A well-planned keto meal in the evening might be all it takes to keep those snack attacks at bay.

Staying Busy to Prevent Boredom Eating

Boredom often leads us straight into the kitchen. But staying busy with engaging activities can help prevent boredom eating on your keto journey.

Fasting and stress management techniques are great ways to distract yourself from unnecessary snacking. Who knew achieving ketosis could be so zen?

Supporting Your Transition to Keto with Supplements and Beverages

Navigating the shift to a keto lifestyle can feel like uncharted territory. Don't be daunted; there are ways to make your transition smoother. Supplements and beverages are essential in supporting your body during this transition.

Vitamins are vital for maintaining overall health while adjusting to new eating habits. Certain ones, such as vitamin D and B-complex vitamins, become especially essential due to their roles in energy production and immune support.

Beyond supplements, some beverages have proven beneficial, too. Apple cider vinegar aids digestion by increasing stomach acid levels, making it easier for your body to break down fats from food into ketones.

Lemon water is another excellent choice because its high vitamin C content supports immunity while hydrating you without adding unnecessary carbs or calories.

Coffee's natural antioxidants work well within the parameters of healthy keto living, but remember, moderation is key.

Lastly, don’t forget electrolytes – they help regulate nerve function, among other things, so make sure you're getting enough through foods or consider using electrolyte powders.

The Role of Exercise in Healthy Keto Eating

Staying active is essential for achieving and maintaining good health, particularly when following the keto diet. Doing your exercise routine in the morning while fasting could be advantageous, providing you with additional vigor for the day and aiding with weight reduction.

Exercising on an empty stomach, or "fasted training," forces your body to pull from its fat stores for fuel. This means you burn calories during your workout and get rid of those pesky fat deposits faster.

In fact, according to research, fast training can increase fat oxidation during exercise compared to fed-state activity. So, instead of reaching for a pre-workout snack next time, try hitting the gym before breakfast.

To ensure this works well for you, always listen to your body. Adjust if working out without eating first makes you feel light-headed or weak. After all, maintaining good health should be our ultimate goal here.

Cheese and Keto Diet

Cheese is popular among individuals following a ketogenic (keto) diet due to its high-fat content and low carbohydrates. It can be a delicious and satisfying addition to your keto meals.

Understanding the differences between various types is essential for cheese on a keto diet. For instance, you might wonder, "What is the difference between American and cheddar cheese?"

Cheddar cheese is a classic favorite among keto enthusiasts. It's known for its rich, sharp flavor and versatility in cooking and snacking. Cheddar is typically aged longer than American cheese, which gives it a more pronounced taste.

It's also lower in carbs, making it a favorable choice for those strictly monitoring their carbohydrate intake while enjoying a cheesy treat.

On the other hand, American cheese, often found in processed slices, has a milder flavor and creamier texture. However, it might contain added ingredients that can increase carb content slightly.

Therefore, cheddar cheese might be the better option if you're on a strict keto diet due to its lower carbohydrate content.

Whether you prefer cheddar or American cheese on your keto journey depends on your taste preferences and dietary goals, but understanding these differences can help you make informed choices to stay in ketosis.


If you've been struggling with weight loss and want a sustainable solution, Healthy Keto® could be the answer. By understanding ketosis and incorporating optimal foods, like healthy fats and high-quality proteins, you can achieve and maintain ketosis effectively.

Practical strategies, such as avoiding nighttime snacking and staying busy, support success on the keto diet. Supplements, beverages, and exercise also play crucial roles in this journey.

Understanding the differences between types of cheese can help you make informed choices while enjoying the savory flavors.

Overall, Healthy Keto offers a holistic approach to weight loss and improved health. Start your journey today and experience transformative benefits firsthand.

Learn More

Interested in learning more about Healthy Keto? Check out Part 1 of this series by clicking here!

Healthy Keto Guide for Beginner

FREE Keto Diet Plan