
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


The Power of Chlorophyll for the Gut

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/30/2024

When discussing the best health foods and nutrients, many people leave chlorophyll out of the conversation. However, understanding what chlorophyll can do to support your health is very important.

Learn about chlorophyll, it's source, and how consuming it will support your wel-being and overall health.

The Power of Chlorophyll for Gut Health

The green hue found in vegetation is due to chlorophyll. But this vibrant pigment provides more than a splash of color—it's crucial to plant life and surprisingly beneficial for human health.

Understanding Chlorophyll's Role in Plants and Humans

Chlorophyll is considered the blood of the plant due to its role in photosynthesis—the process that allows plants to convert sunlight into energy. Its structure is remarkably similar to our red blood cells, with one key difference: magnesium instead of iron at its core.

Dietary guidelines recommend that this unique composition brings numerous benefits when consumed through vegetables—ideally between seven and ten cups per day. However, most Americans fall short, with an average intake closer to one and a half cups daily.

The Challenge with Consuming Greens for Gut Health

Gut issues can make eating greens difficult, though. They contain substances like lectins and fiber, which can irritate the gut lining, especially if conditions such as leaky gut or SIBO are present.

This irritation can be felt throughout your colon, causing discomfort and discouraging further consumption of these essential nutrients.

Harnessing Chlorophyll Without Irritating the Gut

Living with digestive issues doesn't mean you have to forgo the advantages of chlorophyll. There are ways to get these advantages without irritating the digestive tract.

How Chlorophyll Supports Colon Health

Chlorophyll in leafy greens can work wonders for your colon health. It has shown potential in improving and restoring dysfunction in the tight junctions of the colon lining.

You might wonder how to incorporate this into your diet without upsetting your stomach. The answer lies in choosing specific greens low in lectins and oxalates, like lettuce or spinach.

Chlorophyll's Impact on Intestinal Cells

Beyond just supporting your colon, chlorophyll also aids enterocytes - vital cells integral to gut health. These cells line our intestines and play a crucial role by absorbing nutrients from food while keeping harmful substances out.

If munching raw vegetables isn’t an option due to digestive discomfort, consider juicing them or using green juice powder without fiber instead. Research shows this approach still lets you enjoy chlorophyll’s beneficial effects but minimizes irritation caused by high-fiber foods.

A Note on Liver Health:

In addition to supporting gut health, studies suggest that chlorophyll may help slow down fibrous tissue formation and cirrhosis progression in liver disease cases. This demonstrates how this powerful plant pigment contributes to our overall well-being.

So, while you might need to navigate your diet more carefully due to gut health concerns, rest assured that chlorophyll can still be included.

Chlorophyll as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Chlorophyll has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. These come into play by counteracting harmful substances which can irritate our guts.

The benefits don't stop there, though. Chlorophyll helps alleviate gut irritation and supports overall colon health.

This isn’t just hearsay either; studies have shown that chlorophyll can bind with carcinogens, reducing their ability to cause harm to our bodies.

Chlorophyll's Role in Supporting the Microbiome

Chlorophyll, the green pigment making spinach and kale look so vibrant, does more than just give plants their color.

This plant compound can foster a healthy balance of good bacteria within our intestines, creating an environment conducive to nutrient absorption and digestion.

Maintaining the Mucous Layer

The mucous layer is a protective shield around your gut lining. Chlorophyll plays its part by maintaining this mucous barrier, which prevents harmful pathogens from causing inflammation or damage.

Promoting Intestinal Permeability

Intestinal permeability refers to how easily substances pass through the intestine wall into our bloodstream. Too much permeability is not good. We end up with unwanted particles sneaking past security.

Chlorophyll works hard to make sure your intestinal walls are healthy.


Chlorophyll and Probiotics

Chlorophyll and probiotics are two distinct but complementary elements in supporting overall health. Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants, has gained popularity for its potential detoxifying properties and ability to promote healthy digestion.

It can help combat bad breath, assist in detoxifying the body, and support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. However, the timeframe for how long it takes for a probiotic to work" is typically shorter than the gradual effects of chlorophyll.

When taken regularly, probiotics can start influencing the gut microbiome within a few days to a few weeks, depending on individual factors and specific health goals.

When combined, chlorophyll and probiotics can provide a comprehensive approach to supporting digestive health and overall well-being.


Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants, offers numerous benefits for gut health and overall well-being.

Despite challenges such as gut irritation from certain plant compounds, there are ways to harness chlorophyll's power without exacerbating digestive issues. Chlorophyll supports colon health, aids intestinal cells, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, and promotes intestinal permeability.

Combined with probiotics, chlorophyll provides a comprehensive approach to supporting digestive health. By incorporating chlorophyll-rich foods into our diets, we can tap into nature's green energy to optimize digestion and promote a healthier lifestyle.

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