
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Are You Thinking About Food Too Much?

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 07/01/2024

Many people find that they struggle to stop thinking about food, especially when embarking on a diet. If you're thinking longingly about your next meal mere moments after finishing your last meal, you should try to understand what is causing this phenomenon.

Learn about the psychology of eating and what you can do to change your thought patterns.

Understanding the Psychology of Eating

We all know one friend who seems to munch on veggies and hummus with genuine glee, while another can't resist the siren call of a double-stuffed pizza.

This difference isn't just about willpower; it's deeply rooted in our brain's reward system, which makes some choose kale salads for their health benefits and others cave to cupcakes for their sweet euphoria.

The Battle Between Health and Pleasure

Eating is not always as simple as fueling up. For many, there’s an internal tug-of-war between reaching for foods packed with nutrition versus those offering immediate taste satisfaction. Those two types – eaters focused on health or pleasure – often face off at meal times.

Let's say you're eyeing a plate of brownies at a party. The health-focused part nudges you toward the fruit bowl instead, reminding you of your long-term wellness goals. But then, the pleasure-seeking part of your brain pushes you towards selecting the brownies.

This conflict doesn’t have to be a stalemate, though. Recognizing why we crave certain foods is the first step towards making choices that satisfy our body’s needs and our desire for deliciousness.

The Role of Blood Sugar in Food Cravings

Have you ever noticed how, after a sugary snack, you're raiding the kitchen again? That's blood sugar at play. When your levels spike and plummet, it can make you crave more junk food or sweets.

Stabilizing Blood Sugar to Combat Cravings

Start with regular meals with fiber, protein, and healthy fats to avoid cravings. This will keep your energy steady for longer. Snacks should also be selected with the same qualities in mind.

Exercise also helps, because muscles soak up glucose during and after activity for consistent blood sugar levels.

And if you’re thinking hydration doesn’t matter here—think again. Sometimes, thirst disguises as hunger, so drink up to avoid mixed signals.

Woman eating junk food

The Mental Cost of Cravings

Food cravings are like those pesky pop-up ads in your brain, distracting you from the important stuff. They can make it challenging to stick to healthy eating goals and waste precious time daydreaming about that chocolate bar or bag of chips.

Stabilizing Blood Sugar to Combat Cravings

Have you ever noticed how a rollercoaster ride of blood sugar levels sends your cravings into overdrive? It's because when blood sugar drops, our bodies scream for a quick fix – often something sweet or junky.

To keep these urges at bay, focus on meals with a good mix of proteins, fats, and complex carbs. This isn't just anecdotal advice; research shows proper diets help maintain steady glucose levels, which might silence those craving alerts.

Food as Nourishment vs. Control

We all know food is fuel, but when it starts driving us instead of the other way around, that's where the trouble kicks in. It's like being in a car you can't steer; pretty soon, you're just along for the ride and not loving where you end up.

Reclaiming Control from Cravings

To put yourself back in the driver's seat, acknowledge that cravings aren't your boss. Remember who has their hands on the wheel: You do.

Taking charge means planning meals and packing snacks so hunger and unhealthy cravings don’t blindside you on a busy day.

Strategies to Eliminate Food Cravings

Start retraining your brain by paying close attention to each bite, savoring flavors and textures, and appreciating where your food comes from.

Eating mindfully is an excellent tool against overeating and unhealthy cravings.

Eating Practices

When we eat without distraction and genuinely connect with eating, cravings begin to lose their hold. So put down that phone or turn off the TV next time you dine—it could make all the difference.

This technique isn't about deprivation but liberation—from thoughtless snacking habits that sneak up throughout our day.

Balancing Macronutrients

Have you ever noticed how a bag of chips leaves you hungry soon after? That's because balance is essential in what's on your plate—proteins, fats, carbohydrates—they all play vital roles in satiety.

A well-rounded diet can help keep blood sugar levels steady so cravings don’t come knocking as often.

Woman drinking water

The Importance of Hydration

Sometimes, what feels like hunger is dehydration in disguise. Before reaching for a snack, try drinking water first—you might find that "craving" was thirst-talking. Staying hydrated helps maintain energy levels, too.

A simple glass of H2O could be more powerful than any fad diet in managing appetite and staying healthy.

Support Systems and Accountability in Managing Cravings

Battling food cravings is like navigating a minefield with willpower as the only shield. That's where having allies comes into play. A robust support system can be your squad, backing you up when temptation strikes.

Ever notice how it’s easier to hit the gym when a friend tags along? The same goes for sticking to healthy eating habits. Sharing goals with someone who cares keeps you honest and less likely to cave into that midnight ice cream raid.

Maintaining a Ketogenic Diet

Maintaining a successful ketogenic lifestyle involves more than just cutting carbs; it's about finding sustainable ways to enjoy delicious, satisfying meals while staying within your macros.

Incorporating flavorful options like keto stuffed bell peppers into your meal rotation can make the journey enjoyable and sustainable.

These bell peppers are low in carbs and packed with protein and healthy fats, keeping you full and satisfied while supporting your keto goals.


Many people struggle with persistent thoughts about food, especially when starting a new diet. Understanding the psychology of eating and identifying the root causes of these thoughts is crucial to overcoming them.

By stabilizing blood sugar levels, practicing mindful eating, and maintaining a balanced diet, you can effectively manage food cravings and focus on your health goals.

Additionally, leveraging support systems and accountability can provide the motivation and reinforcement needed to stay on track and make healthier choices consistently.

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