
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Top Reasons Why You Should Eat More Sauerkraut

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/15/2024

Ever thought about the power packed into a humble serving of sauerkraut? This tangy, fermented food isn't just for topping bratwursts. It's bursting with gut-friendly probiotics and prebiotics that can help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

But wait—there’s more! Beyond being great for your belly, did you know sauerkraut is also loaded with vitamins C, K2, and U? These nutrients work harmoniously to bolster immunity and even tackle gut-related conditions.

Yet, like any superhero story, there are times when its powers might be too much—for instance, if you have specific health issues such as SIBO.

Dive deeper with us into this pickled powerhouse. Let's explore how adding some kraut to your plate could change the game for your health!

The Power of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Sauerkraut

Unbeknownst to many, sauerkraut is a powerhouse packed with prebiotic fiber and probiotics. These two components team up to create an environment conducive to a healthy gut microbiome.

probiotic as pathogenic strains

Unpacking the Role of Probiotics

Probiotics are usually considered the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract. Found abundantly in sauerkraut, they help balance your gut flora, that's right, your stomach has its little garden. This balancing act improves digestion and contributes positively to overall health.

Sauerkraut doesn't just house any ordinary probiotics; it boasts strains that support the immune system.


Moving onto their lesser-known counterpart: prebiotic fibers. While they might fly under most people’s radar, their role is no less important than that of probiotics.

Aiding our body's good bacteria, prebiotic fibers found in sauerkraut nourish the gut microbiome so it can do its best to keep us healthy.

When to Avoid Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut, with its probiotics and prebiotics, while having incredible health benefits, is not for everyone. People dealing with certain health conditions might need to sidestep this fermented food.

Understanding SIBO

If you've got Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), hold off on the sauerkraut. SIBO, as its name suggests, is an overabundance of bacteria in your small intestine.

The symptoms range from gas and bloating to diarrhea or constipation - not exactly a party in your gut. And here's where sauerkraut enters the picture: those friendly microbes that benefit most people could fuel SIBO symptoms.

Sauerkraut's fermentation process produces lactic acid bacteria. When these reach an overcrowded small intestine, they may exacerbate SIBO symptoms by providing more sustenance for bacterial overgrowth.

Studies show that dietary adjustments can help manage this condition, but including sauerkraut isn't one of them.

Nutritional Benefits of Sauerkraut

Often overlooked in the produce aisle, sauerkraut is a nutritional powerhouse. Its vitamin-packed profile includes Vitamin C, K2, and U.

Vitamin C - More Than Just Immunity

Sauerkraut provides an impressive amount of Vitamin C, around 10 times the recommended daily intake. It's not just about warding off colds; this potent antioxidant plays a crucial role in collagen production and wound healing.

The Power of Vitamin K2

Beyond vitamins more commonly recognized, sauerkraut also offers Vitamin K2. This unsung hero regulates calcium within your body to maintain bone health, strengthens mitochondria, and energizes you throughout your day.

Exploring Vitamin U

Perhaps less familiar but equally vital is vitamin U. While research into its benefits continues to evolve, it shows promising potential for improving gut-related conditions.

Sauerkraut and Digestion

For those looking to improve their digestive health naturally, sauerkraut is an ideal choice. This fermented food offers surprising benefits for digestion.

Gas Reduction

Fermented foods are known to reduce gas production in the gut. And among them, sauerkraut shines brightly. Unlike raw cabbage, which might make you feel bloated, sauerkraut helps minimize this discomfort.

Acetylcholine - The Key to Better Digestion

Research suggests that acetylcholine improves bowel movement and gastric secretions. Sauerkraut is one food that boosts its production.

Sauerkraut Connection Between Vitamin D3 and K2

Sauerkraut, the fermented cabbage dish, has gained attention for its potential connection to the synergistic benefits of vitamin D3 and K2. While sauerkraut doesn't contain these vitamins, it undergoes fermentation by lactic acid bacteria that produce vitamin K2.

This interaction between sauerkraut and vitamin K2 can be advantageous, especially for individuals looking to support their bone health.

The vitamin D3 K2 benefits are well-known for their role in calcium metabolism and bone health.

Combining sauerkraut with a diet rich in vitamin D3 sources, such as fatty fish or fortified dairy products, may help optimize the utilization of calcium and improve overall bone density.

However, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet and consult a healthcare professional when making significant dietary changes or supplementing with specific vitamins.


Sauerkraut is more than just a condiment; it's a nutritional powerhouse teeming with probiotics, prebiotics, and essential vitamins like C, K2, and U.

While it offers numerous health benefits, including improved digestion and enhanced immunity, individuals with conditions like SIBO may need to approach it with caution.

Understanding the role of sauerkraut in gut health and its nutritional profile empowers us to make informed dietary choices that support overall well-being. So, next time you're at the grocery store, consider adding some tangy sauerkraut to your cart and savor the health benefits it has to offer.

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