Understanding the Menstrual Cycle and Estrogen

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle and Estrogen

Dr. Eric Berg DC

Estrogen problems, related to the female cycle, is extremely common.

Hormones are communications that is created and sent through the blood system. They are sent by the gland to the bloodstream and connect to the part of the tissue that has receptors for those specific hormones.

Estrogen has receptors in the uterus, in the the liver, in the bone, in the the brain, and the in the ovary. The glands make hormones and organs don’t, except for the liver.

Every month, one of your ovaries runs the show and send hormones into the blood on a 28-day cycle. On Day 14, you will have this spike of estrogen and then it goes down. This is called ovulation; this is when you are the most fertile. 

Another hormone your ovary produces is called progestogen which increases as well and once the 28th day arrives, you would have your menstrual cycle. Then it would start over and over again.

When you have a problem, you can tell where the issue is. Most women will feel pregnant with swelling of the breast and the stomach a week before their period – then we know it is progestogen verses estrogen. If the problem is during ovulation, then its estrogen. If it's during your cycle, then the problem is also estrogen.

The effects of estrogen are being created in the cell, whether it is in the liver, in the uterus, or in the breast tissue. It can affect the breast like by making it tender or by forming a cyst.  Estrogen can affect your DNA, sex drive, and menstrual cycle.

Estrogen affects the shape of the body such as the hips and the curve. That’s why women have superficial fat that men don’t have in the lower part of their bodies. Too much estrogen will cause too much fat on the lower part of your body.

The function of the ovary is to send hormones to different parts of the body. On one month, one ovary will do all the work and the on other month, a different one will do the work.

It will alternate between the right and the left. Depending on what part of your body has lower back pain – right or left, can determine which ovary has the problem with producing too much estrogen.


Effects of Having Too Much Estrogen

The most common problem most women have is the ovary creating too much estrogen or estrogen dominance which causes excessive heavy period, no periods, cramps, too much bleeding, or long periods. One of the triggers could be low progesterone.

More of what estrogen dominance can cause:

  • Headaches

  • Fluid Retention

  • Fibroids

  • Cysts

  • Gallstones

  • Thyroid

  • Cancer

  • Endometriosis


What Causes Estrogen Dominance?

We are in an environment that is bathed in so much estrogen in pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.

Then there is DDT (Dichlorodiphenytrichloroethane) which was banned in 1971, but we are still finding it in our fat tissues – even in kids.

Even though we do not sell it in the U.S., companies are allowed to sell it to 3rd world countries that grow our fruits and veggies in winter, which comes right back here to the United States.

DDT mimics estrogen which is called endocrine disruptors. The cells can pick up these chemicals that can act like estrogen.

  • HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy – is synthetic and made from female horse urine and is a lot different than human bodies which cause many problems.

  • Birth Control of course, has estrogen.

  • Soy Protein Isolates – 95% is genetically modified that are in breakfast cereals, baby food, protein food, and diet shakes.

  • Progesterone DecreasesWhen you start losing your period around perimenopause, you can have a problem with increased estrogen.

  • Liver Problems  detoxifies estrogen if the liver is healthy. But, if the liver is not healthy, you will have digestive problems like constipation and gallbladder problems, and you won’t be able to break down estrogen.

Understand Hormones from Dr. Berg Video Blog and how it affects the body.

For more information about Dr. Berg's 3-day intensive program in Alexandria, Virginia, call 703-354-7336.

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