
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Should You Consume Dairy Products on the Keto Diet

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 05/22/2024

Consuming dairy on a keto diet can be a tricky path to navigate. Because different types of dairy have different carbohydrate contents, it can be difficult to distinguish the ones that are okay to consume on keto from those that are not.

Learn about the carbohydrate content of different dairy products and which ones you can safely consume on your keto diet.

Understanding Carbs in Dairy Products

A comprehensive understanding of carbohydrate content across different foods is paramount in ketogenic diets. This holds particularly true for dairy products, whose carb counts vary significantly.

The Carb Content in Milk

Milk, often considered an essential part of our daily diet, might not be suitable for those on a keto regimen due to its high carbohydrate concentration.

To put it into perspective, an eight-ounce serving of milk packs around 12 grams worth of carbs - quite substantial when you consider that individuals adhering to the ketogenic lifestyle aim at consuming no more than 20-50 grams per day.

Alternatives like almond and coconut milk are readily available, offering a lower carb count while providing a creaminess similar to traditional milk.

These alternatives prove invaluable when preparing your favorite recipes or beverages within the boundaries set by your low-carb dietary plan.

manchego cheese

Cheese as a Low-Carb Dairy Option

Cheese could be just what you need if you're looking for flavor and versatility without carbohydrate overload. An ounce (28 grams) typically contains only about 0.1 grams of carbohydrates, making it one attractive option from dairy's diverse offerings.

Hard-aged varieties such as cheddar or gouda usually have lower carb contents than soft, fresh ones like ricotta or cottage cheese, so choose wisely.

Why Unsweetened Greek Yogurt and Kefir Might Not Be Ideal

Greek yogurt and kefir may come highly recommended, given their probiotic benefits.

However, these unsweetened options each pack six grams' worth of carbohydrates per every six ounces served; nutritious indeed under normal circumstances yet potentially problematic if consumed in large amounts regularly while following strict ketogenic guidelines.

If fermented dairy tickles your taste buds but doesn't align well with your low-carb needs, then Skyr, an Icelandic cultured product akin to strained yogurt, could serve up some solace owing to its lower sugar content.

Hence, it has a lower net carb count, possibly qualifying as a better fit amidst other keto-friendly choices.

Identifying High-Quality Dairy on Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that promotes weight loss and improves overall health. Selecting the right dairy products can have a big impact on your success with the keto diet.

Importance of Organic Dairy Products

For those on the keto diet, it's essential to comprehend the worth of organic dairy products. Why? They are produced without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, which means fewer harmful chemicals are in your body.

Apart from being free from potentially harmful substances, research shows that organic milk contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk does. These beneficial nutrients play an essential role in brain function and heart health while also helping reduce inflammation throughout our bodies.

Besides their nutrient-rich profile, these organic options typically have lower carbohydrate content than non-organic ones due to differences in feeding practices.

Benefits of Grass-Fed Options

Moving beyond just going 'organic,' choosing grass-fed dairy provides additional benefits that could further optimize outcomes for individuals adhering strictly to a ketogenic lifestyle regimen.

The primary advantage lies in its superior nutritional profile compared to conventionally raised livestock output, something that's crucial to consider when planning one's daily meal schedule under this specific diet scheme.

CLA, a fat with anti-cancer properties and the potential to aid weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing belly fat accumulation is present in higher concentrations in grass-fed cows' milk than in conventionally raised livestock's output.

How Much Dairy Is Too Much?

While large amounts of dairy are generally discouraged, primarily because most dairy items carry some amount of carbohydrates, which could knock one out of ketosis if consumed excessively, small quantities can be included if they have few enough carbs.

For example, an ounce of most types of cheese would suffice to keep within the daily carb limits set forth by standard keto dietary guidelines.

Adopting a mindful approach towards consumption helps ensure reaping the maximum benefits from this versatile food group without compromising the hard-won metabolic adaptation achieved through diligent adherence to ketogenic lifestyle principles.

Considering Health Factors Related to Dairy Consumption

The journey of the ketogenic diet is unique for everyone. For those with prostate issues or allergies to lactose and casein, dairy may not be suitable for a keto diet due to potential risks.

If you're someone with prostate issues or allergies related to lactose and casein - proteins found in milk - then your path on the keto trail might need some modifications.

Prostate Issues and Potential Risks from Consuming Dairy

Incorporating dairy into your ketogenic regimen may pose risks if you have existing prostate conditions. Research indicates that an excessive intake of calcium through dairy products could potentially increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Furthermore, growth factors like Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), abundant in most common dairy products such as full-fat yogurt or cheddar cheese, can stimulate cell proliferation - processes linked with cancer development.

Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant dietary shifts.

Lactose Intolerance & Casein Allergy Considerations

Consuming regular milk sugar-laden sources could lead people with allergies down an uncomfortable route filled with symptoms like bloating and stomach cramps since their bodies lack sufficient enzymes called lactase needed for digesting lactose, the primary sugar in cow's milk.

Allergies stemming from cow's milk often arise due to reactions against its inherent protein, mostly casein, although whey. Symptoms vary depending upon individual sensitivity levels, ranging from mild hives to severe anaphylaxis cases.

Thus, anyone suspecting they might have issues consuming dairy should be cautious about consuming it and speaking to a medical professional in more extreme cases.

Implementing Small Amounts Of High-Quality Dairy In Your Keto Diet Plan

Querying the appropriateness of dairy in a keto diet plan is commonplace, as this nutrition program emphasizes low-carb and high-fat intake. Including small amounts of quality dairy in your keto diet plan is possible despite its high-fat and low-carb regimen.

Plain Greek yogurt topped with pecan, walnut, blueberry, and strawberry in a dark brown ceramic bowl

Determining Acceptable Quantities Of Diary On A Ketogenic Diet Plan

To successfully include any food item into your keto diet, you must start by understanding its nutritional content. For instance, an ounce of cheese contains only 0.1 grams of carbs, making it a great option.

However, other options like milk or unsweetened Greek yogurt contain higher carb loads, which might not fit within the daily carbohydrate limits on this eating regime.

Online nutrition trackers can help you accurately monitor macronutrient intake and ensure you stay within those parameters without jeopardizing ketosis - the metabolic state where fat is burned instead of carbohydrates as the primary energy source.

Beyond counting carbs, though, remember to keep an eye on calorie count because even if they don't disrupt ketosis directly, excessive calories from any source could still hinder weight loss efforts.

  • Cheese: An ounce per serving works well due to its low-carb content, but watch out since some cheeses have more carbs than others..

  • Greek Yogurt: Aim for half-cup servings at maximum, given its relatively higher carb load.

  • Kefir: This fermented drink is considered similar to Greek yogurt, so limit portions accordingly.

Always opt for organic or grass-fed varieties whenever possible as these offer better nutrient profiles, including beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and fewer potential disruptors to ketosis than conventional alternatives.

A good rule-of-thumb approach would be starting with smaller quantities and gradually increasing based on individual tolerance levels and personal health goals, whether maintaining steady energy throughout day-to-day activities or achieving specific weight loss targets over time.

Is Oat Milk Good for Balancing Dairy on a Keto Diet

Oat milk can be a tasty, dairy-free alternative for those following a keto diet. However, it's essential to consider that oat milk is higher in carbohydrates compared to traditional dairy milk or other keto-friendly milk alternatives like almond or coconut milk.

Oats naturally contain more carbohydrates, which are primarily starches and dietary fibers. While oat milk may provide some nutrients like vitamins and minerals, its higher carbohydrate content can potentially impact ketosis, the metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel.

To maintain ketosis on a keto diet, you must be mindful of your daily carbohydrate intake, including the carbohydrates from oat milk.

For some individuals, small amounts of oat milk might still fit within their carbohydrate allowance, but it's crucial to track your intake to stay within your desired keto range.

Suppose you enjoy the taste and texture of oat milk but want to remain in ketosis. In that case, you can consider other lower-carb alternatives like almond, coconut, or macadamia. These options generally have fewer carbohydrates and can be more suitable for a strict keto diet.


Navigating dairy consumption on a keto diet requires careful consideration of carbohydrate content and individual health factors. While some dairy products like milk and certain yogurts are high in carbs and may not align with keto goals, options like cheese and grass-fed dairy can be included in moderation.

Understanding your nutritional needs and choosing high-quality, low-carb dairy products can help you enjoy the benefits of dairy while staying on track with your keto lifestyle.

Additionally, for those with specific health concerns like prostate issues or lactose intolerance, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating dairy into your keto diet plan. By making informed choices and monitoring your intake, you can strike a balance between dairy consumption and ketosis, optimizing your health and wellness on the ketogenic journey.

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