
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


When I started to go on keto diet, I noticed quick changes in the numbers. Soon the changes were visibly noticeable and my friends complimented me on my achievement.

Images Story

By: Mohammad T.

Hi, My name is Mohammad and I come from Iran. I am a translator and a student, currently doing my MA in University of Wroclaw, Poland. Here's my story: As I was 24 or 25, I started to gain weight. Soon it got out of hand and with it, I got out of shape. I tried lots of things. I was a disciplined person and the problem was not not being able to stick to the plans. The thing was that they simply did not work. I tried to divide the meals into five meals, it did not work. I went veggie for one year and two months, it did not work. I ran for 45 MINUTES twice a week, it did not work. I went to the gym regularly, it did not work. With a height of 170 cm, my weight was above 85 KG (187 pounds). The changes in my weight despite all the efforts were trivial and temporary. I felt bad about my physique and about myself. My self-confidence also suffered. I knew that I had to find a solution and that’s why I started doing my research. I learnt about ketogenic diet from your videos and a couple of others and the first thing that motivated me to follow this diet was that IT MADE SENSE. When I started to go on keto diet, I noticed quick changes in the numbers. Soon the changes were visibly noticeable and my friends complimented me on my achievement. Then, I was asked what I had done and I was more than willing to explain keto from A to Z to everyone who asked me. Another health change caused by keto diet was improvement in my depression. Depression was an issue for me, seasonal depression in particular. But its last visit to me was not such a burden as it used to be (removing coffee from my diet was also another influential factor here). I used to use lots of sugars, thinking that it would help my focus in my classes. However, I can easily focus in my classes without having to eat or do caffeine-doping with frequent cups of espresso. In fact, my first and foremost motivation to go on keto was that it claimed that it improved cognitive functions and my experience showed that it was so. I am now more focused, get less tired or sleepy, feel lighter, can beat my friends in running, can exercise more and actually see the results, and work and study more effectively, and it all happened by changing one thing that could be changed: my diet. Thank you so much for all your videos! They have helped me a lot and I’m a proud regular viewer of your videos. Sincerely, Mohammad

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