
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


The before picture is when I weighed 220 lbs and just started learning the "Keto" diet. The bottom one is current, 199lbs.

Images Story

By: Doug M.

I wanted to take a Health coaching course because my wife just completed one (IIN), and I was on the Keto diet, eating very clean, and watching my wife's journey with her health coaching, so I decided to research "Ketogenic Health Coaches". That's when I discovered Dr. Berg and this is my before and after keto success story. All of the other coaching programs were great, but Dr. Berg explains things in a way that the average person can understand how things work, I was HOOKED! :) I felt like there were several people that I could help: My family, my friends, and the customers that come into my business. Not only would I be helping others, but I could team up with my wife in her health coaching business (Angie's Lifestyle and Wellness), and she and I could help each other when we were faced with different things we did not know. It has been so great helping, learning, and sharing this vital information. So far I have been able to help a couple of friends of mine who are very confused about why they cannot lose weight. I have talked to them, and found out what their symptoms are if there is any history of personal problems (I always ask within my boundaries), and asked them about their diet. As a result, I was able too to share with them the changes that I felt they could make to improve their situation. Matt was the first one and he noticed after a week how much better he felt and the weight was coming off faster than any other "diet" (I like to call it a lifestyle) that he has tried. He was not hungry and had stopped drinking pop and high-carb foods. Mike, my other friend, has just started changing his diet and working to lower stress. I taught him how to order in the local restaurants according to too the keto lifestyle, I have also ordered him some of Dr. Berg's supplements to help with his Adrenals, Wheat Grass Juice Powder, and Electrolyte powder. After 2 days, just changing his diet, he could notice the difference, he looked better and was excited that he felt better. He was in a much better mood also than I had seen him previously. I am really thankful for the knowledge that I have acquired, and will definitely stay with the ketogenic lifestyle and live by example. I'm currently at 202lbs, from 212lbs, I exercise 5 days per week and just want to help people understand that THEY have control over their choices and can learn how to live better. Thank you, Doug.

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