Superb Results


By: Jose Centeno

I am a 61-year-old male who has struggled with asthma for many years since I was a child. About a month and a half ago, a friend of mine began speaking to me about your videos and some of his practices. He began speaking to me about the concept of intermittent fasting which piqued my interest. As a Christian, I have involved myself in a period of 21 days of fasting as some churches practice at the beginning of the year. Yet after that period, fasting is usually not spoken about much. I had been struggling with asthma during the time I spoke with my friend and he sent me several of your videos that introduced me to the basics and methodology of intermittent fasting. I put it into practice, along with my wife the OMAD and 16-8 protocols, and initially began to deal with retraining my mind about breakfast and some of the initial resistance my body put up. I began this ongoing journey weighing about 190 lbs. Today, July 22, 2021, I weighed in at 173 lbs and have not felt this great in years. My energy levels have risen dramatically and mind you, I am ex-military and pride myself on my disciplines of lengthy morning walks. Yet, now that I have changed my lifestyle eating habits, along with continued hiking/walking routines and my asthma has been brought under control. In fact, at the moment I find myself believing that I am on the road to overcoming asthma. I used to regularly use a nebulizer and since I began intermittent fasting I have not touched the nebulizer once!! Thank you for your commitment to providing the information needed by so many in this country.

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