
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


So far I lost 16 pounds! I found your YouTube channel about a week ago and I'm learning so much!

Images Story

By: Colleen H.

Hi Dr. Berg!!! I have been doing the 21 days Bone Broth diet and I'm actually almost done my 2nd round. I'm planning on doing it till I reach my goal weight. So far I lost 16 pounds! I found your YouTube channel about a week ago and I'm learning so much! So this week I started to do the intermittent fasting and I'm feeling amazing! This is really complementing the BBD and giving me an extra edge. I am also just getting out of an air cast from an achillies ltendon tear. My goal is to be able to get back to doing a good solid exercise program. You can see in my before picture how sick I look...I was addicted to sugar, carbs and junk food. I stopped cold turkey finally over a month ago and you can see a huge difference in my skin and overall health. It's truly remarkable! Now I eat 2 meals a day doing 16/8 intermittent fasting and my meals are healthy portions consisting of protein veggies or salad with healthy fat. . I also have noticed that all of my years of suffering from GERD, acid reflux, leaky gut and celiac have totally gone away!!! I am forever grateful for the information and valuable knowledge you provide! I was losing all hope in where my future was headed and now I'm excited about it! BTW, I'm 47 years old. I want to be even healthier heading into my 50's and I now know it's possible!!! Thank you so much! Please share my story in hopes that it may help others!!!

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