
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Ron G. Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Ron G.

Raised in a traditional Southern home on a diet of just all the wrong things, I developed bad eating habits. Hamburger Helper, corn, cornbread, gravy and biscuits, fried potatoes, fried chicken and so on were common meals in our home. When I joined the Army at 18 years old, I was 186 lb. I got into lifting weights and bulked up to a really solid 210 lbs while maintaining a 31 to a 32-inch waist. However, when I left the Army, I got a job in Sales Management and the 210 lbs quickly turned into 280.Before I realized it, I was 300 lbs! So, I'm in my mid-20s, 5 foot 7, 300 lbs and in really bad health. I had type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, severe joint inflammation, high triglycerides in my liver and just all kinds of sickness and illness due to my bad diet. In my late thirties, I got on the Atkins diet and lost down to 220 lbs. My weight would vary from there to 240 and I did that all the way until I was 40 years old. I got a book called Sugar Buster's and started following that diet plan and actually got down to 175 lbs. However, having a big appetite and eating low carbs, good carbs, no sweets, and no bread, I still got up to around 225 lbs again and that's where I was in November of 2016. Since I've been lifting weights off and on since I was 17 years old, I was always interested in bodybuilding. So, November of 2016, I made up my mind I was going to compete the following year in a bodybuilding competition.I started at 225 lb in November and weighed in May 2017 for the Vulcan classic at 162 lb. The traditional bodybuilding diet is really hard because it's so close to offset the amount of energy you're burning from working out. That was a terrible 7 months of my life working out 2 to 3 hours a day, is at least 800 to 1000 calorie deficient. After the Vulcan Classic in May of 2017, where I took second in the Masters' classic physique division, I found the keto diet. As I began to prep for the state championships following the keto diet, I was able to get off of high blood pressure medicine. I also had serious allergies, like hayfever and chronic sinusitis. The keto diet, by cutting out all the GMO oils, quickly reversed both of those issues. So, here I am right at 50 years old and I've gone from 300 lbs, taking 15 to 20 pills a day for all my health problems, to 172 to 175 lbs, and off all prescription medication. I began to hold classes at a local gym that I work out at and I've helped multiple people lose anywhere from 50, 80 and even 90 lbs and get rid of a lot of prescription medication for high blood pressure. I feel so much better, it is unreal. 10 weeks before the state championship I had hernia surgery and my lifting was very restricted. However, lifting very little, the keto diet kept me lean and I was able to place in two different divisions at the state championship show here in Alabama. I'm simply amazed at how easy the keto diet is and how many people I have seen turn their lives around, including some family members. I am a minister that has been in the addiction Ministry for years. I realized, a long time ago, that my food addiction was very similar to a drug addiction that I used to have. The weight issues resulted in knee surgeries and arthritis all throughout my body. I knew that I couldn't just get free of the drugs and still have an addiction to food. I began to pray and study and that's how I found the keto diet. All I can say is, it has changed my life and I've LED people to the diet and helped them change their life too! To go from 300 lbs at 36 to 170 lbs today, the first thing I had to do was change my thoughts. And Jesus said to him, "'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes." Mark 9:23 * Type 2 Diabetes... Cured * High blood pressure... Cured * High Cholesterol... Cured * Fatty Liver... Cured * Sever Joint inflammation... Cured * Constant Fatigue, Inability to sleep, Depression, and Anxiety... Cured As we think in our hearts (mind, will, and emotions) we are... Prov 23:7

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