
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Pamela NAShares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Pamela NA

.........OBESSED WITH KETO AND DR. BERG IS THE DISORDER:) I was ill and in and out of emergency room for 11 years. I was very obese and had severe anxiety & panick attacks due to PTSD from a lifetime of child rape and sexual trauma even to the point of not being able to drive. I've been on Keto almost 2 years and have lost 51 lbs and reversed my health issues physically and emotionally. I am now a Certified Keto Coach under your program and trying to reach as many people as possible. You are a part of my family and entire life. My mother has severe Diabetes for over 40 years and she is off of her Fat Storing Hormone. I preach about you to everyone that I can, on the plane , in the grocery store, walmart, it doesn't matter. There are several people with Cancer, Autoimmune disease & etc that I am trying to help. I'm training other little soldiers to advance your methods as well. My goal is to have an army of Dr. Berg's Keto Cadets to go out and help as many people as possible. If someone says anything negative about you which is very rare, I literally will have nothing to do with them. You have transformed my life and I can not imagine not living Keto under your teachings. Thank you very much for saving and changing. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help advance and promote your methods and products.

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