
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Tamara Green Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Tamara Green

No one has the perfect keto story. There are always bumps in the road. There are days, weeks, and even months sometimes where you fall off the keto wagon. I began my keto journey at the end of March 2017 with limited keto knowledge. It was a difficult transition rewiring your brain not to eat foods that you've eaten your entire life. So I stuffed my pantry with keto goods and hoped for the best. I started a Facebook page (Louisville Keto Connection) to have a place for support and increased knowledge within the keto community. I lost 43 pounds by August that year and felt amazing. I had limitless energy, with no blood sugar drops anymore. My acid reflux disappeared. My anxiety and depression had become almost nonexistent, and I was off all medication. I had planned a trip to Italy that September, and decided I didn't want to follow keto during that time so I could try all of their world famous foods..... Big mistake! I struggled heavily with my food addiction off and on after that trip until January of 2018, when I was finally able to get back on keto. I lost another 14 pounds this year! I started keto in a size 22 pant size, and I am now a size 14. My weight went from 240+ pounds to 183 pounds for a total loss of 57 pounds so far, and more to come. I have never felt better in my life. Keto is a lifestyle, and I plan on living it the absolute best I can, although I know there will be times I fail. Food addiction is just like any other addiction. It is a daily battle you fight the rest of your life. Just remember in your journey you will "cheat" sometimes even though you fully know it's detrimental to your health and you will absolutely hate yourself for it, but keep striving for your goals and eventually you will reach your destination. #KetoOn

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