
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Never in a million years would I have imagined making the progress I’ve made. I couldn’t even lose 10 pounds let alone over 50 so thank you Dr. Berg!

Images Story

By: Bridgette W.

I have commented but never posted in the group before so today is the day. It’s my 2 year ketoversary! I’m super grateful for Dr. Berg and his generous sharing on YouTube to give people like me hope! His channel is how I discovered Keto in May 2016 and started in June. I am an adrenal body type and I was far from perfect on my journey and still have progress to make, but this lifestyle has changed me in so many ways! Never in a million years would I have imagined making the progress I’ve made. I couldn’t even lose 10 pounds let alone over 50 so thank you Dr. Berg!

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