
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Marylyn M Joven Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

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By: Marylyn M Joven

My goal in doing the Ketogenic Diet is TO REVERSE MY DIABETESE. IN February my HBA1C was 11.8%! I started keto end of February. By the 1st week of June, my HAB1C went down to 6.8%! 0.9% over the hi normal. The fantastic thing is that I lost a lot of weight, too after doing 16:8 IF only on my 4th month. From 160lbs to 139lbs. Thanks to all my friends who encouraged me to be healthy; but most of all to Dr. Berg and his mentoring us to a healthier life. BTW...i am 63yo and have been a diabetic wt hbp since 2005 now my hbp is normal 120/80

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