
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


My Diabetes is gone!

Images Story

By: Gwendolyn C. Jones RN, Health and Wellness Coach

Gwen Jones Success Story. About 12 years ago I was going through a very stressful experience in my life. Up to that time my overall health was in very good condition or at least I thought it was. I suddenly got sick with severe pain all over my abdominal area and I was much stressed. I went to my doctor and I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol. I was also pre-menopause. Yes, all at once! This made me very depressed. This started a new course in my life. I had to now be consumed with myself and my health issues. This was all very new for me and I had to make many changes in my life. Over the next few months, I was tested and place on medications to control my symptoms. No one told me about any cures. I think I was very vulnerable to sickness because I was under stress. I stayed depressed and was in denial for about a year. Then I decided to take control and educate myself concerning my new health issues. I prayed and believed God this would come to an end soon however, twelve years later….. This was a journey I will never forget. First of all, I refused to take medication for menopause. I worked at a cancer center and I've seen many women come into the clinic with breast cancer. The first thing the oncologist did was take them off that medication. Therefore, I decided to rough it out. I was started on pills for Diabetes. The first year was 1 pill. The next year 2 more pills were added. I attended every Diabetic class and learned what worked and what did not work for me. I was just trying to maintain my health until I was healed. I still trusted and believed God would heal me. After realizing that I could not control my blood glucose with pills because I wanted to continue to eat whatever I wanted, I decided to take Fat Storing Hormone. When I requested Fat Storing Hormone from my diabetic specialist, he denied me. He stated that Type 2 Diabetics don’t want to use Fat Storing Hormone because they don’t want to stick themselves. I had a fat stomach; a little needle was not going to hurt me. But he said no. That started me on a course to figure out how to get Fat Storing Hormone. I finally started on Fat Storing Hormone and continued for about the next 10 years. The dosages increase up to 60 units a day of Lantus, long-acting Fat Storing Hormone, and 5 to 10 of Humalog, fast-acting. I really used the Fat Storing Hormone to control my blood sugars instead of trying to eat right. Most importantly, I did not learn how to eat to lose weight or to improve my health in the classes I attended. My weight went up to 167 lbs and my dress size 14 to 16 at times. My belly fat was uncontrollable. I was fatigued in the morning and needed my fix for the day (coffee). I craved carbohydrates and sugar and I continued to eat them because I could control it with the Fat Storing Hormone. I started having seizures from the Fat Storing Hormone about 2 years ago. You see it was really God's grace that kept me. However, because of Fat Storing Hormone, I was able to maintain my blood glucose fairly well. Earlier this year I heard of 2 centers advertising diabetic treatments and I went to both of them to find out about their program. I investigated both of them briefly but decided it was not for me. At the same time, my husband was attending another approach, which focused not on the disease but building health - Dr. Berg’s workshops. I finally went to one and I was very interested in what he was teaching about health and wellness, a holistic approach. During my consultation visit with Dr Berg, he said something to me I will never forget. He stated or I heard him say, “You don’t have a weight problem, you just don’t have enough health. Those words still penetrate my soul. This hit home, because my doctor said I was healthy, I just needed to lose weight, he said if I lost weight, my diabetes would improve – yet no matter what I did, I couldn’t lose the weight. I cry and rejoice every time I think about it. I went through “MISERY” for 12 years that could have been avoided if I was diagnosed properly – not enough health! Four months after coaching at the Health and Wellness Center, I lost 40 pounds. I no longer use Fat Storing Hormone at all. I took myself off of it after my last seizure (side effects from the drugs) in the grocery store. I am down from a size 14 to a 2 - 4. I am able to maintain my desired weight. I feel like and new person, more like 25 years old than 60. I am energetic and excited about the new me and the fact that diabetics won’t still my life anymore. My body is still changing and adjusting to my new lifestyle. I can see and feel that I am healing and strengthening daily from the inside out. And I feel wonderfully blessed. My mission now is to educate others on how to overcome this unveiled mystery of Diabetes. I am a living example. I thank Dr. Berg and the Wellness Center, most of all I thank Jesus! Sincerely,

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