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Muhammad Dawood's Story

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By: Muhammad Dawood

Like many others who seek to improve their health, Muhammad Dawood had been overweight his entire life. After five years of being on and off diets that never seemed to work, losing weight had become a battle for him. When he found that he was pre-diabetic in October 2018, the news was daunting; he wanted to take action.

Before keto, Dawood had constant brain fog, felt tired and hungry all the time, and had started to become depressed. Even before he received the pre-diabetic diagnosis, Dawood heard about keto from a friend but was skeptical about how eating more fat could help someone lose weight. Nonetheless, he decided to give it a go when he felt that there was no other option he hadn’t tried before.

Dawood was doing some research online about keto and found Dr. Berg’s channel. “I spent around six hours watching his videos, given how informative they were,” he said. “I’ve been a die-hard fan and follower ever since.”

At first, his parents and fiancée were skeptical of keto, just as Dawood himself had been skeptical in the beginning. In addition, he had to struggle to defeat the sugar cravings. Yet his own motivation was strong and the fact that he was seeing results encouraged Dawood to stick with it.

Keto is a lifestyle for Dawood now. A lthough he was “scared” of intermittent fasting at first, he now fasts with a 4-hour daily eating window during the week and eats one meal a day on the weekends. “Words can't even describe how I feel since I've adopted the keto lifestyle. The brain fog is gone, my energy levels are constant throughout the day, I don't get tired that easily anymore, and my sleep quality has improved dramatically,” he said. “I also got my blood tests redone after four and six months of keto and passed them with flying colors.”

From Dr. Berg’s videos, Dawood realized how toxic a “standard” diet is; he learned almost everything he now knows about nutrients through Dr. Berg’s channel. “It’s [sufficient] o say that the only person I listen to when it comes to what I should eat and how I should eat it is Dr. Berg,” he said.

He claims that when he tried soda for the first time after living a keto lifestyle it tasted like gasoline. He couldn’t believe that he used to drink soda “like crazy” for 24 years prior. “I think keto changes your brain chemistry and how your brain's reward chemicals work,” said Dawood. “Safe to say that I will never be leaving keto.”

At age 25, Dawood started his keto journey at 271 pounds (123 kg) and in under six months he brought that down to 205 pounds (93 kg). “I'm at a healthy BMI for my height (6'6) and am now working on losing a little more weight and toning my body with keto and exercise,” he said.

“If you're just starting keto or are thinking of starting it, go for it! Don't give up,” he advises. “The results will come, all the information is there, and if you get stuck anywhere remember, there's always Dr. Berg. Start keto today, you aren't going to regret it!”

Favorite Way to Exercise: “I'm currently doing HIIT for my stamina coupled with some muscle exercises,” said Dawood.

Favorite Keto Recipe: Egg salad with al dente sautéed vegetables and chicken

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