
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Lose Over 80 Pounds

Images Story

By: Chris G.

Hello, Dr. Berg, I'm Chris Grant and 29 years of age, a biggggg fan and follower of your researchers and studies. You have done a great deed for all the people to lead a healthy life. I've always been on type 2 obese side right from my teens. Wanted to let you know about my success story on how i lost 35 kgs in a span of 9-10 months. I was admitted in ER with a complaint of chest pain and high blood pressure about 170/90, more like a walking time bomb. I weighed about 128 kgs and had a waist measuring 46 inches. I was living a very sedentary life style, ate a lot of sugar, junk foods and also consumed alcohol. I was totally depressed and was under a lot of medication. I started googling on how to loose weight and also what can I do to reduce my blood pressure, and then I stumbled upon your videos. I followed all your advise as much as I could and let me tell you it wasn't easy :-) but I did it. I watched what I ate and exercised right. Today I am 92 kgs and my waist is 37 inches. I am so happy I found your videos and a mentor like yourself. I have now started helping other people to understand their body and create plans for them to follow. Below is a before and after pic of my self and yes it is the same pant I was wearing from about a year ago. I would love to hear from you. There is one question I have for you and I'm sure you would have a solution for it as well but will mention the same upon your response to this email. Thanks so much for all the excellent work you are doing, you are just amazing. Thanks again, Chris Grant Chennai, India

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