
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


My husband 90 pounds lighter - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto



Last August (2017) I decided to do your eating plan. My husband decided to do it as well. My husband is 41 kilos (90 pounds) lighter 6-7 months later. It is wild. He now no longer has high blood pressure 240 over 180 when he started. The thing that helped in the beginning was your healthy junk food. My partner loves steak but now he eats salad with gusto! When I see him sit down with his bowl of salad I go - oh I see you are having salad with gusto. He said when he was powerlifting if someone had told him he would be eating so much salad a few years later he would not have believed them. I made him the muffins and the chocolate seed bars and he ate these when ever he needed them. He is an avid coffee drinker - haven't cured him of this addiction yet. Tee hee. He doesn't need the muffins and seed bars now. I lost 10 kilos.

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