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Judy's Story

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By: Judy's

I was never overweight until I hit the age of 18. For some reason, even though I'd been a very active, athletic high school student involved in all kinds of sports like softball and basketball, I started gaining weight at that age.

This was only compounded by pregnancy, when I got pregnant at 21 with my son, gaining 60 pounds. That weight stayed—like 8 or 9 years. But my absolute highest weight ever was 273., maybe 275 at 5'6".

I've lost tons of weight many time and regained it. Typically, I approached diet through tried walking and eating a kind of keto diet—low carb, high protein, fresh fruits and vegetables. So, it wasn't quite keto – more a Mediterranean diet. It took probably right at a year and I lost 199 pounds.

So yeah, I lost weight I did it mainly through calorie counting, walking, and eating clean.

The company I worked for then purchased me a CrossFit and I fell in love with weightlifting.

Then, I hovered between 200 and 220 and stayed there for 2 and ½ years.

Then I got with a new husband and found out I was expecting, after being told I could never have children again—so this was a pleasant surprise.

With that pregnancy got up to 225 then April of 2016 my mom died unexpectedly and I went into a deep depression. This is a period of time when I cared little for my life or how much I gained or what I ate or my welfare, period. I was at 225 and went up to 260 when she passed. I didn't care about anything then—didn't care what I was doing to myself—that I went on blood pressure meds or that I became pre-diabetic. On January 21st I had a nightmare that I died of a heart attack before I turned 25. So, I'm lying there thinking I've got to do something to change my life.

I heard about keto on a friend's Facebook page—and thought, let's check this out. And THIS is how I discovered Dr. Berg. I checked out his website, his blogs, and the next day some of his videos. This seemed like something that I could do. My fridge was currently stocked with soda pop, carb rich snacks, bread—So my house was not stocked for a keto diet experience.

But I resolved to do it anyway. I read all the approved lists of keto foods.

The next day I went cold turkey. No pasta, breads, sugars, grains, and my husband and I donated all the carb and sugar filled foods to friends and neighbors.

That's because after just five days my husband saw big changes in my and himself and he's like "hey man—this stuff works! Even if you cannot see it, baby I can." Let's do this. He's been devoted since and it helps me stay motivated.

So, I followed the list and stocked my pantry with keto approved foods. We use all Dr. Berg's recipes and listen to his videos.

Now I have discovered his intermittent fasting techniques. I started to do that every time I'd hit any plateau and that would help me bust right past it.

IF has been a game changer. His knowledge on all this. When he reminds us some people have to track their vegetable carbs and some don't That's what I had to do. Carefully count my vegetable carbs and then I became able to overcome all plateaus.

Now at day 73 I've lost 46 pounds. That's a lot of weight in very little time. And I've lost a total of 54 inches all over my body.

I do hit lulls. Like losing only pounds in March—but losing 16 inches!

Today, my taste buds have changed. My cognition has changed. I completed 4 college courses in 4 weeks.

My memory is better, cognition is better.

I'm adding more exercise now with a big focus on nutrition—nutrient density.

For those of you who want to try this—it only took one week for me to get past all withdrawals—caffeine, sugar, bread, all of it.


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Scott Nelson

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