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Jamie Williams's Story

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By: Jamie Williams

Jamie Williams spent a lifetime being overweight, but she was always happy, even with the additional pounds. “I was often known as the cute, chubby girl,” she said.

It wasn’t until she approached age 40 that she started becoming depressed. “I found myself in a place I had never been before,” said Williams. “My weight had gotten out of hand. Standing just 5’2”, I tipped the scales at 265 pounds (120 kg). I was severely anemic and had absolutely no energy!”

Simply going to work took everything out of her; she would struggle just to get home and be asleep by 7:00 pm. “The last straw was when I slept through an entire New Year’s Eve party with over 30 guests. There was music, laughing, loud talking and more and I slept through it all! I knew then I had hit my rock bottom,” she said. “It still took me an entire year to make the true decision to change and take control of my overall health and weight.”

Williams started keto in January 2019. She joined several keto Facebook groups and kept hearing about Dr. Berg so she looked into his videos. “Dr. Berg is a legend in the keto world,” she said. “Intermittent fasting would be my favorite thing I learned [from him]. The science behind it makes sense the way he explains it.”

Creating a support system was the key to her success. To surround herself with people who had similar goals, she founded an online ladies-only chat group on Facebook called F.a.T Gurl Fitness and the community she built helped to fuel her passion daily.

“It is the ultimate accountability for me,” said Williams. “I have to ‘practice what I preach.’ We laugh and cry together and more importantly cheer each other on!”

At first, it was a struggle for her to break old habits regarding food, but seeing results helped her to stay motivated. “Unhealthy food is an addiction. You have to become free from those strong holds! It is mind over matter,” she said. “Yet, when the scale starts to move, when your clothes start to feel different, when you have more energy, you realize it is all worth it!”

Before keto, Williams felt like she was no longer living and barely even existing. She no longer felt like her happy-go-lucky self. Now, she feels brand-new. “I have energy! I can go all day long!” said Williams. “I hike, lift weights, do hours of cardio and I awake before the alarm clock every morning! My life has been transformed!”

She has lost 52 pounds (24 kg) since switching to the keto way of eating. Through keto she finally got to a place where she really loved herself. “I didn’t want to fail myself and I knew I was worth the investment,” she said.  Asked if there is anything she would have changed about the journey, she said, “I would have tried keto years ago instead of all the potions, pills, creams, and fad diets that I wasted tons of money on in the past.

“YOU CAN DO IT, IF YOU DON’T GIVE UP! I am an ordinary girl who has tried it all and achieved temporary success. Keto is the one thing that has truly worked,” said Williams. “Don’t overcomplicate it! Don’t try to make it perfect! Don’t try to figure it all out! Just take it one day at a time and make this a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: HIIT and Zumba

Favorite Keto Recipe: Keto taco salads and cauliflower mac and cheese

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