
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Michael Hein Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Michael Hein

I watched your Intermitten Fasting introduction video on May 1st 2019 weighing in at 248lb. For 2 weeks I just did 16:8 and ate what I wanted. The more i became absorbed in this new Endocrine science, I became convinced that reducing INSULIN and high GI foods would benefit my fat loss, So I started to reduce my Carbohydrates. I would say I went from 100s of G of carb each day (addicted) to somewhere near <20g of carbs today. I have now lost 60lbs and its September 26th 2019. I have 10lb left to loose and I would attribute that to reducing carbohydrates and reducing my INSULIN. Nice work! You changed my life literally.

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