
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Jim Cadena Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Jim Cadena

I've had.a miraculous journey recently. Since 2003, I've been dealing with cardiovascular issues, including hypertension, and several years later--heart failure and diabetes and kidney issues. I also have apnea and a defibrillator. Yet, through all that I've been pretty well. In April, I relocated to Houston TX from the SF Bay Area. I was stressing because I needed to find medical support for my several issues, and I'd run out of medication. On May 30, I had mild symptoms of what might be a stroke. The gist of what happened after that is I had a new cutting edge endovascular surgical procedure--a thrombectomy, actually. Pretty new and surgeons are scarce; I had to be flown by helicopter to where the surgeon was. Everything was successful and I went into the in house rehab facility for 2 weeks. The other miracle is that I came out of this completely unscathed, no impairments or deficits. Upon discharge, my team of doctors warned me address my health issues to prevent subsequent problems. When I came out, I'd lost about 35-40 pounds and was determined to address the diabetes and other issues. I was assigned a new primary care doc whom I've come to admire greatly. Before meeting him I'd been exploring IF and LCHF with regard to ameliorating diabetes. He hadn't about the research and clinical practice of Jason Fung and others in Canada. So struck out on my own with these protocols. So now I've lost about 60lbs so far and pretty fiercely exercise with bands,/tubing and kettle bells. I discovered your videos and have been so impressed with the sheer amount detail you provide about the issues. When I have questions, I just scroll through the plethora of videos, and I find you've addressed my very specific question. It didn't take long to get down to a meal a day. I can hardly get through that, and the thought of an additional meal makes me gag. I did have a day or 2 when I was hungry for junk food and ate it, but I got right back on and haven't had that happen again. I didn't beat myself about it. So here I am allowing myself to lose whatever is possible. My arms and legs have gotten very toned and lean. I don't want bulk up. For me, the ideal body is a dancer's body. I'm 70, so I don't know how toned I can expect to be. I'm an adrenaline and the abdomen is shrinking but it will be the last go, Ifear. But, it's only been since late July, August that I've been doing IF and Keto. That's my story. I don't have great pictures. I'd love to hear your impressions about someone my age and background going through this regimen. I will send one pic from last November. I'd actually lost some weight, and I'd been pretty thin years ago, but for several years I struggled with my weight; I'm about 5'9"have been as high as 240. And then I did things like Medifas in 08/09 and lost a lot of weight, but, of course, I couldn't sustain it

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