
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Kimberly Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Kimberly

I’ve been diagnosed a few months ago with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, stage 1 cirrhosis. My doctor told me very seriously if I exercise and eat clean I might be able to turn it around. Somewhere I heard that sugar feeds cancer and controlling my diabetes will help the possible healing of cirrhosis. A dear friend of mine started sending me your videos along with Naomi Whittle’s videos and Peter Attia’s Ted Talk. Because I want to live I consumed all the information I could about avoiding carbs, intermittent fasting and autophagy. I have been very guarded...giving myself freedom for my son’s wedding. In the little over two months I’ve been eating healthy and exercising, I’ve lost over 25 pounds. I am feeling the healthiest I’ve ever felt and people notice too. In the fall I see my doctors again.... I don’t know what the results will be, but I am confident I’m making a huge change... praise God !!!! I love and greatly appreciate the way Dr. Eric Berg translates information for me to understand the “why” I need to do what I do. May God bless he and his family greatly!

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