
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I started out at a little over 40% body fat and am now down to 25%!!! Amazing! I've lost more than 15 inches on my overall body.

Images Story

By: Melody W.

After I gave birth to my son on Jan. 23, 2018, I began to search out ways to lose all the weight that I had gained during my pregnancy. I was about 180 lbs, not only was I overweight but I knew I wasn't healthy. A month post partum I eleminated all animal products from my diet and tried the vegan diet. But I waa not losing weight, but I knew my healtg was improving. But I wanted to do something that I could accomplish both at one time. Then while in my search I stumbled upon Dr. Berg on youtube. As I began to watch more and more of his videos, he was si simple and easy to understand. I was soaking up the information and I was confident that I coyld follow this new lifestyle with all the information that I was learning. And the upside? I could still eat meat and butter and still lose weight! Mid March came and I began the keto lifestyle, I purchased a body composition scale and also began tracking my measurements. I began to see immediate results in my inches. I had tremendous energy, my mind is clear, my sleep is great. Even as a new and nursing mother I'm still full of energy and though I wake several times a night due to my baby I still fall asleep quickly and wake up refreshed. Also, my mood is so upbeat compared to before I began. I started out at a little over 40% body fat and am now down to 25%!!! Amazing! I've lost more than 15 inches on my overall body. I also have dropped down to 2 meals a day in my IF because I am so satisfied between meals that thats all I seem to be able to eat. I'm so satisfied. Thank you Dr. Berg for all of your videos and help and information, your work has changed my life forever! My goal is to never have to be on medication but to be able to use nutrition as medicine and to teach my children how to eat and take care of themselves as well. I've also convinced my diabetic dad to get on the keto lifestyle, because he saw the tremendous changes in me, and his blood sugar went from the 300's to normal, in only a week!!! He's still on it to this day and is doing great! Once again thank you Dr. Berg!

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