
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Steven Reid Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Steven Reid

I started keto on Feb 26, 2018 at 261 pounds. I currently weight 225 pounds about 3 months in. I have been 100% true to my eating except for one week when we went on a cruise where I ate as many hamburgers and pizzas as I wanted. I feared a huge setback from that but I got back from vacation and got back to work and picked up where I left off. I was a very unhealthy eater for years, eating fast food multiple times a week and eating in restaurants on the weekends and having mexican food, bread, fried food, etc. I was never one to follow a diet as you can see by my starting picture. I looked myself in the mirror a few months ago and told myself if I wasn't careful then I would be 300 pounds before I knew it. Three months later, with no knowledge about keto before I started, I am healthier than I have been in probably 15 years. I lift weights five days a week and run around 15-20 miles a week (3 miles at a time) and I've never felt better. My endurance is great, blood pressure is down, and the scale finally shows me a number I am happy with. Most importantly, I feel good. I can finally look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. I'm nowhere near done as I want to continue to lose the fat I have and get my bodyfat down. It was 24% when I checked a couple months ago. I was 6'1, 233 pounds when I got it checked. Thank you to all of Dr. Bergs advice and the advice of all the people in the facebook group because I enjoy reading everyones stories and there is a lot of great information posted. To those just beginning, stick to it because it works if you put in the effort!

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