
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Luis Duran Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

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By: Luis Duran

I started IF and OMAD 5 moths ago after watching some of your videos. The results have been incredible. I lose 30 pounds in 3 months. For the first time in my life I was able to lose those extra pounds that I couldn't lose even with exercise, eating healthy or medical intervention. The only downside is that I lose weight so fast that some people at work even think I have an issue or medical condition lol. I really don't like to hear those opinions, but I guess that is part of the process. Well, I even went to the doctor and all my analysis are great. Colesterol (the bad one) a little bit high though C-LDL 192. I'm. Working on this and hope to do analysis again in two months. I am a huge fun of you and I watch your videos and listen to your webinar as podcasts on my way to work. Have you think by the way and converting all your videos for podcasts to iTune and Android? After I lose 30 I now feel more confident and happy with myself. I play volleyball 5 times a week and feel energetic and great. Thanks doctor. You changed my life.

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