
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Crystal Robins Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Crystal Robins

I'm 59 years old and have always been on a diet! In the past couple of years I let me weight creep up to 156, I'm 5'2" -- so this was not pretty. In January, after seeing my pics from Christmas I knew something had to be done. I found the paleo diet and tried it and lost 6 lbs -- had a rough weekend at the end of Jan. and gained it all back :( Then I found Dr. Berg and started my keto journey on Feb. 19. The first few days were a struggle, but after that -- it got easier and easier. I started with 3 meals, no snacks then went to two meals, within a month I was doing 1 meal a day. So, it's been over 5 months and I have lost 35 pounds. I have never felt better and I get so many compliments on my skin -- oh, I now have fingernails! Before they were thin, and ridged and always peeled away. Thank you Dr. Berg for your knowledge and generous sharing!

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