
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Randy Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Randy

I’m 55 yoa and a retired Law Enforcement Officer (28 years). In 2017 I was riding my bicycle up to 250 miles per week and following a Keto diet. I went from 275-280 pounds down to 235. I’m 6’2” tall and have a strong man body. I played football from fourth grade through college. Power lifter too. Upon becoming a LEO I started training and competing in Judo which I did for nearly 20 years. May 2017 I was riding my bicycle with a group of guys who train very hard. We were doing a 112 mile bike ride that turned into a race. During the race I started having “heartburn “ and continued to ride very hard. 20+miles later I’m having problems. I pulled under a shade tree and called my wife to come and get me. A short time later I started having chest pains. My wife rushed me to a hospital where I started having a full blown heart attack. I was told later I was shocked 26 times. I got stints but was told my heart was severely injured. My EF is 30-35 I was forced into retirement. I had no purpose in life. A year and a half later I was up to 290 pounds and having PVC’s. The PVC’s got so severe I thought I was gonna to die everyday. I was taking 10-11 different medications daily. 200 mg of Metoprolol !!! I reached out to Mayo hospital. I went there on my first visit for a total examination. They decided I needed an ablation. I returned a month later and had a 8.5 hour ablation. I weighed 293 before the procedure. The ablation was successful. I told myself that when I leave Mayo I’m going to get very serious about my weight loss. I have to return to Mayo for a three month follow up. I told myself that three month follow up was going to be my short term goal. I have lost weight by Keto in the past. So I knew that was going to be my path. I just needed to know the science behind Keto. I researched YouTube and found Dr Berg’s videos. Dr Berg appears to be speaking to me when I watch his videos. Two months later after my ablation I have lost over 30 pounds. I’m in the low 260’s. I’m still muscular too. I’m a active outdoorsman and just returned home from a near month long hunting trip in Montana and Colorado. Hunting at high elevation to and over 12,000 feet. Between the Keto diet and my exercising the climb to high altitude was no issue. I’m back riding my bike daily. My doctor has lowered my doses on some meds and discontinued others. My energy level is really great. I’ve told my doctor that I’m going to die living! Not laying on the couch. I still have more weight to lose. I’ve mastered the 16-8 IF. I’m currently working on the 20-4 IF. Another few months and I’ll be ready for a after picture. Thanks for your videos and support! Randy Merta ps I don’t have any after pictures yet.

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