
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Dan lakin Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Dan lakin

I’m 53 since 2007 to 2014 had 3 hip replacement surgeries. Started to not take care of my self, i was 225lbs back then hot up to 297lbs through out the years. 6 weeks ago I found your teachings Dr Berg,I haven’t had any kind of bread,sweets,pasta just health fats, protein carbs through veggies. lemon water every day, started taking your D3/K2 and cortisol adrenaline pills blood sugars are great. I have a glucose meter that I use daily to check sugar levels and I’m down 29lbs i weighed 297 6 weeks ago today now I’m 268!!!!! Thank you Dr Berg you are saving lives and people’s health through your knowledge and commitment to healthy and life!! Kind regards Dan lakin

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