
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Rick Mosling MoslingShares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Rick Mosling Mosling

I'm 52 years old, 6'2 and WAS 222 lbs. In February of 2019, I had 3 heart attacks followed by a stroke. I crashed my bike and broke a rib in April. I had HORRIBLE back and neck pain from bone spurs and a car crash. My bowel movements were exhausting, sometimes 30-40 on the toilet. As if this wasn't enough, I developed arthritis in my left ankle. I was at the end of my rope! Been following you and Thomas DeLauer on YouTube, along with Dr Berry and Dr Ekberg. I am 209 lbs, arthritis and back pain are ALMOST gone, my BMs are amazing, blood pressure is down to 105/60, Thank You for all of the fantastic content and encouragement!

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