
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I’m 100lbs down and full of energy. The best part is that my family has joined me on this journey and we are all now a ketogenic family.

Images Story

By: Velerie C.

My journey began 8 months ago at the end of August of 2017. I was feeling sick all the time. I had terrible inflammation throughout my body, always in so much pain to the point where I wasn’t able to be on my feet for long periods of time. According to my doctor, I was pre-diabetic and I also struggled with very bad allergies with constant congestion and terrible migraines. My hands would get really numb during my sleep which would wake me up in pain to a point I had to wet hand braces to sleep along with a machine for apnea. I went to all the healthy living classes my doctor suggested and tried everything to lose weight. I finally got tired of always going to the doctor and popping pills to try feel better. I started to do my own research about health and then I remembered one day that my friend had mentioned Dr. Berg so I looked him up on YouTube and started from. I began with two of his videos (how to fix a broken metabolism & how to burn belly fat) and went on from there learning from variety of different doctors on health and nutrition. This began my ketogenic journey. I had to relearn food because what I thought was good for me ended up being a myth. I’m pain free, happy, healthy and on my way to a better me! I’m 100lbs down and full of energy. The best part is that my family has joined me on this journey and we are all now a ketogenic family. My dad has lost 50lbs. My sister has lost 40lbs and my mom is no longer on medication for type II diabetes and my daughter is doing amazing in college with all the mental focus. Thank you Dr. Berg for all that you do.

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