
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I lost 35 Pounds!

Images Story

By: Helena Movsesian

Dear Dr. Berg, Words cannot begin to describe my gratitude to you for having taught me so much about a healthy eating plan which I'll continue to use for the rest of my life. I've been a fairly healthy eater for a long time but not until I found you last year, and you taught me which foods to consume and the reasons why I should consume them, did I finally begin to lose weight. I'm so thankful to you for giving your viewers on youtube and your clinic clients so much content to work with. I don't think there's a single health issue that you haven't yet addressed. Your passion for your work really comes through. I've lost 35 pounds since I went to visit you last May and continue to lose. It took a while for the healthy eating to finally start to show results but now I'm up and running. A couple of bonus items I wasn't even expecting. My buffalo hump is significantly smaller, the acne on my upper arms is gone, and the veins on the back of my legs have disappeared. Yay!!! Very appreciative, Helena.

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