
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I lost 20 pounds in the first month and 23 pounds in the second month, I am a completely healthy person now, my mood is quite better

Images Story

By: Mario C.

I am from Portugal and I'm 47 years old, in May 2016 I moved to the USA with my family, my wife and daughters are American citizens, and while I was waiting and working for my papers for my green card, I stayed at home helping my eldest daughter with school issues and improve my English as well, but this sedentary time made me gain some weight, I became fat, lazy, my mood was terrible, etc. When I realized that I was “sick”, I decided to do something about my health, and then come up with the idea to start to run (back to March 2018), but I was really heavy and I did hurt my knees in a way that I had to stop running. I tried everything to make the pain goes away, ice, heat, massage, but nothing worked properly, so I decided to search on youtube something helpful, I found Dr. Bergs video with a totally different way I used to watch, “like if your left knee is in pain, you should massage the other leg…” Well, it was like a miracle, because, I can't say was healed like 100%, but it was like 95% to 98%, the very next day I went for a run and I didn’t feel any pain. From that day on I started to watch more videos from Dr. Berg and I heard about the keto diet, it was weird to hear about to consume all that fat and become healthy and lose weight at the same time, for me was like, it worked for my knee, why not to give a try and let's see how this keto diet will work. I started to watch more and more Dr. Berg's videos about keto + IF, when I understood the concept, boom! Well, I can say, it worked perfectly, I lost 20 pounds in the first month and 23 pounds in the second month, I am a completely healthy person now, my mood is quite better, everything Dr. Berg said is true, he saved me…I only can thank him so much. Thank you Dr. Berg and team Kind regards, Mario C.

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