
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I Lost 18 Pounds & Feel Great!

Images Story

By: Lauren Jenkins

This program has been amazing! I started this program at a weight of 233lbs and I am now at 218. I have more energy, less stress in my life, and feel healthy. Dr. Berg, Dr. Reid, and this program have truly saved my life. Prior to the program, I had major surgery (to remove my gallbladder). My body was shutting down and was in fighter-flight mode. Since doing this program, I feel like I have been given a brand new lease on life and a brand new body. I am excited to see myself six more weeks from now! I have tried diets, workout plans, etc. But when I tell you this program works, IT WORKS! And I am so grateful to share my success story with hopes that others will take the necessary steps to join this program, and regain control and good health in your life! Lauren Jenkins.

Previous story

From 204 to 168 lbs!

Next story

Lose 31 Pounds

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