
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Rebecca Carraway Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Rebecca Carraway

I had heard about Keto but didn’t “get in to it” right away. So I started researching. I’m a nurse, so I need facts, data, science, etc. I put off starting because I couldn’t find a decent sweetener for my coffe. Dumb, I know. Then the “maffs” put me off lol—all the weighing, counting and tracking macros, etc. I hate numbers and math! But I wanted to see if this way of eating would truly make an impact, so I started by writing down everything I ate for a week. EVERYTHING. I Googled how many carbs were in what I ate and added it up. Some days I was at 250 to apmost 300 carbs. Um ????...I was stunned. I started by cutting out the “usual suspects” like bread/wheat, potatoes, beans, pasta, etc. So far, by doing it the lazy way, I’m down 15 pounds in about 10 weeks. What impressed me the most is that I no longer get that post-lunch lethargy lol! Well, that AND the weight loss hahaha. Now I’m getting geared up (mentally lol) to start exercising regularly and REALLY watching my macros, and see how it goes. I don’t care if gain weight back, as long as it is muscle. I’m 50, so late-life issues are a concern for me-bone thinning, brain health, cardiovascular function, etc. Use it or lose it they say!! Good luck to everyone and do your research and JUST DO IT!! (Sorry there are no pics—I didn’t think about it when I staryed, and didn’t think this would work as well as it has for me ????)

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