
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I was 183lbs and I am now stable at 160lbs and not gaining more weight, which in itself is a success because I would usually go right back to my original weight!


By: Mary Jo

I first started this program because I could not go through a full day without napping in the afternoons! I was tired of being tired! I had tried different ways of losing weight but my blood sugars were so out of wack that I would get the shocks if I went more than 2 hours without eating. And eating always became an emergency, where I had to eat something, anything, before I would be "hangry". I was 183lbs and I am now stable at 160lbs and not gaining more weight, which in itself is a success because I would usually go right back to my original weight! I have not taken a nap in the afternoons for 4 months now and I don't need to. I can take my time and make my meals as eating is no longer an "emergency" and I don't crave sugar anymore. I would not have been able to stick to this program if I didn't have the adrenal support from the supplements. Nor would I have been able without the very informative videos!! Thank you so much and I look forward to even more success when I take it to the next level! Sincerely, Mary Jo

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