
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I currently weigh 178 lbs and I'm at approx. 12% body fat. ALSO and I feel more importantly ALL of my other issues have disappeared :)

Images Story

By: Christopher

Hi Dr. Berg! I was in a terrible state a number of years ago. I let a lot of weight creep on - I am 6 ft tall and was about 265 lbs. I was also suffering from chronic sinusitis, allergies, joint soreness, poor digestion, alot of stress and low stress resilience and prostate problems. Initially I cut out sugar from coffee and just that small change led me to cut out "whites"- potatoes, pastas, breads, etc. The results were amazing! Around this time I had stumbled across the ketogenic diet and jumped right in. I was solidly in ketosis for the better part of a year (verified with blood/ketone checking) at which point I started cycling in higher amounts of carbs on workout days to great effect as well. I currently weigh 178 lbs and I'm at approx. 12% body fat. ALSO and I feel more importantly ALL of my other issues have disappeared :)

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