
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Beth Leggate Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

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By: Beth Leggate

I cannot tell you how incredibly excited I am to share my story with you. I have lost 100lbs in under 6 months on this program. I weighed 293lbs on January 21, 2019. I have PCOS and suffered from many rising health conditions including high blood sugar, heart palpitations, sleep apnea, depression, acid reflux and digestive issues and Im pretty sure I was pre-diabetic. I remember my blood pressure being 250/190 several times and crying intently with my husband thinking I was going to pass out or go into cardiac arrest. We sat outside the hospital in hopes it would come down by thinking of floating clouds and seaside hammocks. Of course, it never did. I just weighted in today July 6, 2019 and my new weight is 191. If you had told me I was able to lose almost another person in less than 6 months I would have laughed in your face. Im not sure if anyone else has lost this quickly but I can tell you Im a walking miracle now. I have so much more energy, my wedding ring fits again, I can tie my shoes without passing out, and the list of victories continues to grow. My blood pressure is now a steady 137/89 with ZERO medication. The weight loss is wonderful but I actually see it as a side affect. The health improvements are why I kept going. My skin even looks younger. Im 36 and I look like Im in my 20s again! Blessings to you and Im so thankful to God and his design of this body to heal! I do have an Instagram and many more pictures I can share if needed.

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