
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Peter Martinez Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Peter Martinez

I came across your video and others like yours about intermittent fasting and wanted to let everyone who reads this know that it can work. It takes work but is not hard to do in concept. The background on me is that 2.5 years ago I had a stroke, weighted 335lbs, was 47 at the time, had an A1C of 12 and had a blood pressure of 200/100. I survived the stroke and was told I would probably never walk again. It took about a year to get my mind back because the stroke made me feel like my mind was used as a soccer ball. It took a year yo go from a grazing type of eating all the time to intermittent fasting. Most days I have an eating window of 1 hour with a 23 hour fast and on a bad day a 5.5 hour eating window with an 18.5 hour fast. I have worked up from 1 minute on the treadmill a day to going 5km of walking a day every day. At least for me it is easier not to take days off and just make the activities a regular part of my day. 2.5 years I fast 18.5 to 23 hours a day and walk 5km a day. I have lost 90lbs so far and am at 243lbs down from 333lbs. My A1c dropped down from 12 to 5.4 and has been stying there for 9 months on no meds. I use to take Metformin, Farciga and inject Fat Storing Hormone. my blood pressure dropped from 200/100 to 140/80. I still take low dosage meds for that issue but hope to be off the meds in a year. I am 49 at the time of this writing and one thing puzzles me. I had my Testosterone levels checked not expectingmuch based on my age. The results show my levels are currently at 850. Can this type of fasting effect these type of hormone levels? Also I noticed my body seems to heal noticeably faster then pre-stroke? I liked your video and I think it will help people. This type of information helped me. And to anyone who reads this, you can do it. Just be consistent and patient.

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