
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


James M Doerge DoergeShares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: James M Doerge Doerge

I began my Keto journey around late mid June of 2018, after watching Dr. Berg's videos on YouTube. Since then, I'm all in and a believer! I've already been interviewed by one of his freelance writers and I'm currently featured as a success story on his website. The last correspondence that I received was that I would be contacted by Dr. Berg for a Skype interview, and I would contacted around the beginning of the year, but I haven't heard anything since then and I'm wondering if he's still interested in interviewing me? I can be contacted at jdoerge@sbcglobal.net, but I'd prefer a call, if that'd be easier? My cell is 708-254-6382. I thank you and I'm excited to hear from someone, soon!

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