
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I am now down to under 230 lb. I feel great.

Images Story

By: Bob M.

I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1991 and most of the time since then it was out of control. My HBa1C was well into the double digits, as high as 15. In 2016 I had a heart attack and a quadruple bypass operation. I used to weigh 430 lb. In January 2017 I seriously got into Keto, then in Feb, I started Intermittent fasting. By mid-March, I switched to Extended fasts. I am now down to under 230 lb. I feel great. I weigh less today (56 years old) than I did on the day of my high school graduation. I expect to high my goal weight (around 180 lb) within the next few months. You can follow my journey on my blog: http://430ToFit.com Thank you for the help, Dr. Berg.

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