
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Lori Jacobs Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

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By: Lori Jacobs

I am a student at the American College of Healthcare Sciences studying in holistic wellness. I will be graduateing this June. Years ago I went on a vegan diet for less then a year and damaged my knee. Off and on it will act up and cause me great pain; when this happens, I start to gain weight. I actually found out about the keto diet from a homesteading channel, I studied it all weekend and watched many of your videos on it. When I went to do my next assignment for school, it happened to be on ketones and diabetes. I started the keto diet December 2, 2018 and I feel great! I don't have arthritis anymore either. I consider keto more of a lifestyle. When I graduate in June at the age of 60, I want to be a health coach and help others.

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