
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I recommend your videos to my dear ones and they also find your information concise, very informative, very easy to follow and very practical (just as I do). I consume your videos every day with my meals. :D Long live Dr. Berg!

Images Story

By: Rahul Kumar Yadav Yadav

I am a huge fan of you Dr. Berg. I did IF and later Keto (combined with my regular self-supervised weight training) has got me down by 30 pounds over a span of about 2.5-3 months. My biggest challenge was not gaining muscle mass and not losing fat, despite pumping in carbs and proteins and snacking healthy (which I thought, was great) at regular intervals. Through your videos, I learnt the best strategy to overcome my hurdles. With great doubts garnished with very low hopes, I gave IF and Keto a chance. And voila! they worked! The change in me and the transformation may look miraculous to someone who doesn't know your secrets, Dr. Berg. During the phase of the transition though, I gained more and more confidence of the efficacy of Keto and IF. This stemmed from my increasingly more understanding which I gained from your videos. However, I do not feel any different in my energy levels (so far) upon making the shift from a western carb diet to Keto. However, I am educated and convinced of IF-Keto´s compatibility and usefulness to our body. Your videos have helped me gain so much knowledge of nutrition and how to maintain a healthy body. Now, I am a big fan of nutritional yeast, trace minerals, and POTASSIUM from veggies and several other factors for all round health. I recommend your videos to my dear ones and they also find your information concise, very informative, very easy to follow and very practical (just as I do). I consume your videos every day with my meals. :D Long live Dr. Berg!

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