
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Sid Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Sid

I am a 30 years old from India... Without any prior preparation just one fine morning decided to do water fast in November last year... Have had spine surgery L4-L5 micro discetomy few years back and was not able to do any workout and weight keep gaining and pain started coming again with Neuro disorders as in electric shocks in feet.. Initially planned to do 3 day water fast but kept going and ended it after 11 days ( that's when my will gave in )... My weight journey Started with 119.5kg by end of fast was at 107kg... One amazing thing which happened during fast was i always had a lump kind swelling around surgical area since the time of surgery back in 2012.. So at night of Day 7 had immense back pain not just the normal lower back pain which occurs during fast but around that specific surgery area and on day 8 realised that swelling is completely gone which was nothing less then a miracle for me and my family to see that... ( Neither swelling nor the pain even those electric shocks in feet have completely disappeared till now )... After ending water fast eating in a bracket of 4 hours which is like 3eggs and cup of tea around 3:30pm and then straight dinner between 6:30 to 7:15pm not doing any thing specific just normal vegan diet... Water weight came back and went upto around 112kgs odd in begining... But gradually in last 3 months have come down to 100kgs.. Also my waist size has come down from 42inch to 36inch with lot of stretch marks on belly as if like have given a birth to baby ;) In entire journey have not worked out a single day... Just basic climbing 3 floors to go on terrace and doing a casual walk of like 100metres or so... I am a professional day trader so most of the day ends up in front screen... Have decided to go for Round 2 of water fast now to break plateu of 100kg mark with Target of 90kg... Will keep updating the progress.. Thanks for all the videos...

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