
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I am 254 lbs now. No longer diabetic. I am what is called a "Diet Controlled Diabetic".

Images Story

By: Clinton T.

I turned 44 yrs old and was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and High Cholesterol. I weighed in at 328 lbs and my doctor told me that I needed a change. I was experiencing nephropathy in hands and feet, couldn't sleep well and my face and body started developing dark spots. I was not healthy but I kept telling myself I needed to exercise. On October 1, 2017 my wife told me that we were going to begin this lifestyle change that she had been researching. It was a Ketogenic Diet. She got all these ingredients and we started together. I knew some basics but was really just following her lead. I needed to know more about it on my own and that's when I found Dr. Berg's YouTube channel. It was life changing. I watched all the videos and began to understand Keto so much better. I was experiencing all the symptoms of Keto Flu and his tip on Mineral Water was amazing. Adding pink salt to water and drinking Mineral Water helped me through this crazy time. His videos were amazing and I don't think I could have done what I've done without his guidance and expertise. After 4 months of Keto, I began to incorporate Intermittent Fasting. I do a 16-8 format. I eat my first meal at 1 pm and the my second meal between 8-8:30pm. I have 7 children so our meal times aren't always clockwork. I don't eat anything after 9pm. I do not snack. I can always hear Dr. Berg say "Our bodies aren't meant for grazing all day". IF and Keto have been my life and I love it. I am 254 lbs now. No longer diabetic. I am what is called a "Diet Controlled Diabetic". My numbers are GREAT and my doctor is blown away. He said he doesn't see many patients that can do what I have done. I was consulting him the entire time. It was so good to have a doctor who knew about Keto and IF and actually encouraged me to do it. I did blood lab work every month for the first 3 months and then after that I spaced it out to about every 3 months just to make sure my body is doing well on this regiment. My doctor continues to be blown away. He says I am a living example of what people should do to cure Diabetes. He continues to support my lifestyle and encourages me to continue to do what I am doing. I have lost 77 lbs! I got down as low as 251. I play basketball at lunch for my exercise and have no problems with my knees and my back. I have tons of energy and can be so much more effective helping with my children and all their activities. My "Honey Do" lists are getting done and my wife is so happy to see me healthy and doing great. I am still trying to control my cholesterol but am doing great at that and should be 100% cleared in a couple of months. I sleep great, don't snore anymore. Before Keto and IF, I would come home from work and be so tired. The other night, I clean my garage at 12:30 am and finished at 3:30 am and had so much energy. I know sleep is important and I do try to get good sleep but that night I had too much Coke Zero, so I was wired. lol. Dr. Berg, thank you so much for all your information. You are the reason why I am healthier today and loving life. You're the best! Seriously, the best. Thank you Dr. Berg. I don't have too many before pictures because I was so embarrassed to take them. So this picture is the best i have. Clinton Tuua

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