
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Robbie Robinson Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Robbie Robinson

Hi. I started Keto/IF 8 weeks ago. My goal was, after doing the research, the health benefits equally as much as weight loss. I'll start with the weigh loss successes first: I started at 225 pounds (I'm 58 years old, 5' 10"). I am now down to 194, went from a tight 38" waist to 36". That in and of itself is a blessing, but the more incredible thing for me has been the other benefits: First, all of the successes have happened with relative ease. Never hungry, no cravings, don't miss any of the foods I've removed. 2nd, I was so lethargic before, never slept well, hated to get up, was depressed and just generally dark in mood and outlook. Also had high blood pressure. Now, after 8 weeks of Keto, I've not felt this good since I was in my late 20s. Boundless energy, better sleep, upbeat, actually look for things to do rather than sit in my chair and watch TV. Blood pressure is down! But...3rd, and most importantly (to me), is the lack of inflammation. I had a life threatening automobile accident in the 80s that left me with many complications, mainly in my right leg. I had to have a "Triple Arthrodesis" on my ankle. Vascular problems, too. The blood was going down in circulation to my ankle but would not come back up, so I had to have "Modified Linton" procedure to help with that and actually heal wounds that wouldn't heal. Also had knee surgery as a result of all of this. I Constantly took anti-inflammatory drugs for swelling and pain, none of which were very effective as I work 12 hour days on hard concrete floors, and the pain had become unbearable! Some days I could barely walk after work, and literally cried because of the pain. I did not see how I could make it until retirement, and even considered amputation below the knee. Here is where Keto has been a gift from God for me: While I still, (and probably will always have slight pain) in that leg, it is just that: SLIGHT!! The pain has gone from a 10+ to around a 2! I function at work in ways I haven't been able to for decades. I very rarely have to take any meloxicam, or ibuprofen, etc. And actually feel like a 1,000 pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders. If I had received no other benefits than the anti-inflammatory one, this keto lifestyle would be worth it, but it goes far beyond that in so many ways. Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to communicate thoroughly how different my life is in just 8 weeks. And, unlike other "diets" I've been on, I've not once said to myself, "I can't wait until I reach my goal so I can go back". I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK! Why would I? I've gained so much more than anything I've removed, and I miss nothing! This lifestyle has so much variety, so many delicious food choices, and so many health benefits. Thanks for your helpful videos on my young journey, and for an opportunity to share my progress and the benefits I received! God Bless You, Robbie Robinson, Sumter, SC

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