
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Debby Hougaard Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Debby Hougaard

Hi Dr. Berg, My name is Debby and I just turned 57 years old. I have worked as a Graphic Designer and now I am a Massage Therapist/Ayurvedic Practitioner and eBay Seller (old motorcycle parts) with my husband. I have not really had a weight problem until these last 4-5 years. I am 5'4" and I kept my weight down to 130 lbs or so through my adult life. I am active and food conscious . I now work from home with my husband and our circle of friends/coworkers are ALL men. Beer drinking, BBQ eating, Pool playing (bar food), regular self employed types. I think that this environment and the fact that I am getting older made me fall into the weight gain cycle with my husband. He is 6'5" and usually at 200lbs, like me has not really had weight issues over the years, but now both of us had our weight creep up to 40 and 60 lbs overweight. Our incentive - We are going to a special event and meeting up with old friends overseas (Denmark) in June 2018, but also we see our friends developing Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, using Viagra, having back pain... lots of stuff. We always wanted to be that active couple that stayed healthy and so far so good. We are not on any medications and never have been. I found you 4 weeks ago while searching for a diet plan that we BOTH could do together, I found you on Youtube. I have been watching all your videos. It is 4 weeks into our diet and both of us are almost 20 lbs down. We feel very good, rarely hungry, and not yet adding exercise (other than our normal activity). I want to tell you that your description of how the body reacts to the new diet ---- our case is CLASSIC to your description. You have been a really good support to us. Right now I am getting a rash on my face and legs, which is interesting to me. I have had BAD cases of poison ivy over the years in those places. I think that my body is throwing off those toxins! I am liking this diet better every day. I studied Panchakarma in India in 2015. It is a detox where you eat a mono diet - boosting digestion (10 to 30 days) and you eat Lots of ghee and you get sesame oil massage and steams to bring the oil deep into your tissues - and adding in enemas. There is more of course but the keto diet has some real similarities with the high fat diet releasing toxins from body fat and moving them through the digestion to void them - I have added coffee enemas and fast days to the diet (for myself). I am so happy to have found this diet and your support to continue through it. My husband is sticking to it too. It is working for us and I am confident that we with reach our goals. Thank you! - I don't have pictures right now. I will look for some, but we are not done yet!. Thanks, Debby

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