
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Susan Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Susan

Hi Dr Berg: I wanted to thank you and your wife for all the excellent information provided. I am a 69 year old 5 foot 235 pounds type 2 diabetic who HAD stage 4 kidney failure. I was on steroids for over a year. I always struggled with my weight current weight but have never been this heavy. Your interview with Dr Jason Fung prompted me to fast. I just got off my first fast of 72 hours, lost 6 pounds. Broke fast with bone broth with tbs MCT, 2 hours later my first meal of 2 eggs, 2 slices of ham, 3 cups asparagus and 1 tbs grass fed butter then I had 3 fermented olives. About 1 hour later I exploded with watery diarrhea. What am I doing wrong. I don’t want to eat again,! Oh by the way befor eating my blood sugar was 78 two hours later it was 97 does this mean my type 2 is gone? I Appreciate your reply. Thank you ?? Susan in New York 516-851-5023.

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