
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Ariel B. Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Ariel B.

Hi Dr. Berg! I'd like to present my success story on your channel because I believe that I can give viewers a lot of help and hope and information through my trial and error I've done gastric bypass , gallbladder removal , children. I've had an autoimmune disease that my doctors could not diagnose , acne ,hair loss , heavy periods and cramps which put me on medication , borderline high cholesterol. I have so much to tell the viewers . Below are my before and afters. I did not put my original before when I was 365 lb at my highest weight because I wanted to show strictly the progress on ketosis and intermittent fasting. 25 lbs down in about a month. Please feature me!

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